We cannot say enough how pleasant it has been to work with Agape Tile. Our building projects are often times delayed so that we may keep the daily schedule of services of our monastery. They have been very patient and accommodating to use the entire time. They are very easy to work with. They keep the entire process of “back-n-forth” communication, so necessary in design projects, very simple, clear, concise, and most of all – reliable. What they say they are going to do, they do. When we have had a concern or desire a change in some facet of the work – they constantly sends in-progress photos of the work being done – and have always quickly and graciously accommodated us. That is not to say, that if they believe we would be better served or would likely more appreciate “down the road” and alternative solution to some concern of ours, they would respectfully but confidently express their concerns as well.
Clearly, Agape Tile was a joy for us to work with, not to mention they do all of this at a fraction of the cost that other artists would demand, Clearly, their own Christian faith plays an important part in what they consider their talent, time, and efforts are worth. We are very grateful and plan to use Agape Tile again on future art work when the need arises. We wholeheartedly, without any reservations at all, recommend Agape Tile for your project.
Father Raphel
Panagia Vlahernon Monastery