Monet’s Lady with a Parasol

Monet’s Lady with a Parasol Bath Mural
Agape Tile’s ‘Lady with a Parasol’ tile mural won the Spectrum First Place Award for Excellence in Design.
Claude Oscar Monet was a French impressionist painter who brought the study of the transient effects of natural light to its most refined expression.
This hand painted ceramic porcelain tile mural was ordered by a Decorator at Southwest Tile and Design in Sarasotta, Florida.
Custom glaze colors were created to match their client’s color preferences.
Installation: Private Residence Bathroom, Nakomis, Florida.
Original color artwork is now translated into hand cut glass, hand cut stone, or kiln fired photographic tile.
We would like to continue to share our old projects, even though we no longer produce hand painted tile.
We were known throughout Florida for our artwork and detailed hand painted tile from 1989 to 2001.