Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to Agape Tile, Inc. (sometimes referred to as “we”, “us”, or “Agape Tile”), and we are committed to respecting your privacy on this site. In order to provide our Services, we will require information (including address and credit card information) regarding our Users. We will maintain the confidentiality of information provided in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

1. Use of Information

Agape Tile may provide certain demographic information it provides to third parties in connection with its provision of our Service. The dissemination of this information is necessary in order to provide personalized information to our vendors in order for us to process orders. Except as disclosed in this Privacy Policy, our policy is to refrain from selling, leasing, or otherwise transferring your personally identifiable information. We describe below some of the situations in which such information may be disclosed. Agape Tile will never provide our vendors with personally identifiable information which would permit them to communicate with Users or their employees by email. We expect those vendors with whom we share address information to respect the privacy of our Users in the same manner as we do. However, we cannot ensure that they abide by our privacy policies. Agape Tile is the sole owner of information collected through this site.


The information we collect may also include information you submit about others, including the name, e-mail address or physical address of a gift recipient. We only use information you submit about other people to deliver information, products, or services specifically requested by you or to cooperate with law enforcement officials in the investigation of alleged unlawful activities of our customers.

2. Information That Is Personally Identifiable

Our registration format requests certain contact information from our Users. We collect information that is personally identifiable through the registration and purchasing process when processing your order. When a User completes an order, the format will require personally identifiable information for each User, including:

Contact information (examples include name, home address, email address)

Unique identifiers (examples include credit card numbers)

Demographic information (examples include zip code, telephone area code, age, birth date, gender, income level, etc.)

The information we have obtained through this process may only be used by Agape Tile, in connection with processing your order. We also use contact information from the registration format to send the User information about us and when otherwise necessary. Such information may also be used to assess your satisfaction with and to obtain feedback regarding the service we provide and to tailor the visitor’s experience while visiting our Web site.

We may use the contact information we collect to provide, by mail, information or offers which we believe will be of value to Users and their employees.

We may also use the contact information to send our Users information or offers by email which we believe will be of value to them. Users may opt-out of receiving future communications at any time; see the section below regarding “Opt-out”.

Finally, the information we collect will be maintained in a file that we may need to review in a variety of other circumstances, such as enforcing our Terms of Use for Users, analyzing and understanding our customers and their needs, and for the administration and provision of our goods and services.

As a User of the Service, you consent to the aforementioned uses of such information and the provision of information to service providers that facilitate the Service, all in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

3. Aggregate Information

Subject to the other terms of our Privacy Policy, we may aggregate (i.e. assemble on a basis that does not enable one to personally identify you) the data that is acquired under or in connection with this site and/or related to ordering our products and services, including, without limitation, data about the products and services requested and purchased by our Users. Aggregated data may be used by us to improve our Service and for marketing purposes. We may also use such data to determine what types of policies are best suited for our customers and what types of policies our customers request.


Your use of the Service constitutes your consent to the use of such data on an aggregated basis.

4. Policy on Children's Use of the Site

This Site is, generally, directed at persons over the age of 13 who purchase items with credit cards and we do not knowingly collect personal information from or about children under the age of 13 except as relating to a specific order for products or services. If we, at any time, learn that information relating to a child under the age of 13 that we have obtained is other than as set forth above, we shall immediately purge such information from our records.

5. Cookies

Like most other Web sites, Agape Tile’s server may automatically track certain information about activity on our Web site. This information allows us to keep our Web site running efficiently. This information may include: the browser being used (such as Netscape, Internet Explorer, etc.); your operating system (such as Macintosh, Windows 98, etc.); your IP address; and the referring URL and all of our company URL’s that you visit. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site, but your IP address is not connected to information that is personally identifiable.


In addition, Agape Tile may use “cookies” on certain pages of our Web site. Cookies help us track your purchases for our shopping cart.


Because cookies are stored on your hard drive, not on our Web site, you are always free to set your browser to decline cookies and you can delete them from your computer. If you decline “cookies” or delete them from your computer, you will still be able to access our Web site, but you may find that some areas do not work as smoothly as when cookies are enabled on your system.


6. Other Use

It is possible that Agape Tile, its business and/or assets, its present or future subsidiaries, joint ventures or any combination of such, could merge with or be acquired in one or more types of transactions by another business entity or entities. Should such transaction(s) occur, Agape Tile has your permission to share some or all of your information in order to, among other things, facilitate continuation of one or more services similar to all or a portion of the Service. Notice of such an event (to the extent that it takes place) will be posted on this Web site and we will require that the new combined entity adhere to the practices disclosed in this present Privacy Policy.

7. Disclosure for Legal Purposes

Given the government’s current interest in Internet regulation, you hereby authorize us to disclose information pursuant to judicial and administrative proceedings, and in connection with law enforcement activities and as otherwise may be permitted by law, to law enforcement or government agencies if we believe the disclosure is necessary or appropriate. You also authorize us to disclose information if we believe the disclosure is necessary or appropriate in the event of an investigation of improper or illegal conduct in connection with our Web site, such as fraud, misrepresentation, intellectual-property infringement, or other activity that may put us at risk for liability. We will, whenever we believe reasonably possible, use our reasonable efforts to inform a User whose information may be so revealed.

8. Other Parties and Your Information

This policy only relates to our collection and use of your information, except as otherwise provided. We are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of promotional affiliates or other third parties to which we may provide links. Agape Tile does not have control over the privacy policies applied by any other party that you may disclose information to when linking to from our Web site. If you would like information on any other party’s privacy policy, you should contact that party directly, and we encourage you to do so.

9. Security

Agape Tile employs standard industry measures to protect and ensure the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information, including the use of firewalls and SSL encryption. Despite these efforts, we cannot guarantee the security of your information given the current state of the Internet. We also do not undertake to maintain information about you for a duration greater than as provided by law, rule or regulation.

Agape Tile engages in other security measures, as follows:
Physical security of the systems against theft and damage
Software integrity to ensure that only authorized personnel can implement or modify software
Disaster recovery planning processes and systems
Data integrity to check the validity of certain data
Data security administration procedures to ensure proper monitoring and auditing
We believe we employ security measures that adequately address the security needs of Agape Tile customers.

10. How You Can Modify Information, Opt Out, or Contact Us

You can review and modify (or remove) the information you provide us in the order or registration process if this information changes. The information that you may change (or remove) includes any information provided on our order or registration format. To make any of these changes, you may log on to this site and make the changes directly after you have received an identification and password for the transaction or for the individual order.


After either completing your first purchase at Agape Tile or otherwise using our registration module, your registration on our Web site will be confirmed by an email correspondence to your email address. If you do not object to such email within three days, it will constitute your consent to receive email notices and other email communications from Agape Tile. In the event you no longer wish to receive such email notices or other email communications from us, you may opt-out by removing yourself through our opt-out procedures. You may also contact us at if you no longer wish to be enrolled as a User.


To contact us with questions about this policy or other inquiries send us an email at and write “Privacy Policy” in the subject line.


Welcome to the web site of Agape Tile (“Agape Tile”, “us”, or “our”). Our services and products presented in the Agape Tile web site (“site”) are provided subject to the following terms and conditions. If you visit the site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions as in effect at the time of your visit. Please read them carefully.


You should review the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy, by which you also agree to be bound as a condition of visiting and/or shopping at the site.


When you visit the site or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any and all legal requirement that such communications be in writing.


You agree not to use this site to submit, transmit, or otherwise make available in any manner, including, but not limited to, sending a message card in conjunction with an order, any content (i) that is unlawful, harmful, obscene, hateful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, harassing, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, or is otherwise objectionable, (ii) that infringes the intellectual property rights of any party or (iii) which contains a chain letter or constitutes any form of mass mailing. You may not use a false e-mail address or otherwise provide information that would be misleading as to the origin of such content. Though Agape Tile does not regularly review content you submit to this site, Agape Tile reserves the right to edit such content in any way and to refuse to process any orders including content that violates these Terms of Use or that Agape Tile finds objectionable for any or no reason. You represent and warrant that you possess all necessary rights to use the content that you submit to this site and that use of such content does not violate these Terms of Use. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Agape Tile harmless from and against any and all claims arising out of or relating to any content that you submit to this site. By submitting content to this site, you automatically grant, or warrant that the owner of such content has expressly granted, a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable right and license to use the content in any manner that Agape Tile deems appropriate, in its sole and exclusive discretion, consistent with Agape Tile’s Privacy Policy.


All content included on this site, such as, but not limited to, images, text, graphics, logos, and button icons, is the property of Agape Tile or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. All content on this site that is not the property of Agape Tile is used with permission. The arrangement and compilation of all content on this site are the exclusive property of Agape Tile and are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. All software used on this site is the property of Agape Tile or its software suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. Display and use of certain images on the site are subject to additional conditions as set forth in the “Special Conditions” section below.


Certain marks used on our site are registered trademarks or service marks of Agape Tile, in the United States and other countries. Certain Agape Tile graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of Agape Tile. Agape Tile’s trademarks and trade dress may not be used for any commercial or other purposes by any party other than Agape Tile without the prior written consent of Agape Tile. All other trademarks and service marks not owned by Agape Tile that appear on this site are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by Agape Tile.


Agape Tile honors the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that your work has been copied or used on this site in a way that constitutes copyright or trademark infringement, please notify Agape Tile by following the procedure set forth in the immediately following paragraph. Agape Tile does not reproduce or manufacture any products that it offers on its site, but rather purchases product from various suppliers that claim to have sufficient rights to sell their products to Agape Tile for display on our site and sale to our customers. Upon receipt of any bona fide claim of infringement, or upon becoming aware of any actual or alleged infringement by any other means, Agape Tile will remove such actual or alleged infringing products from the site pending our investigation.


Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright / Trademark Infringement If you believe that your work has been copied, distributed, or used by Agape Tile in a way that constitutes copyright or trademark infringement, please notify us in writing and submit such notification to:

Agape Tile LLC

18635 Coconut Road

Fort Myers, Florida

Phone: 239-454-8453


Agape Tile grants you a limited, revocable, nonexclusive license to access and make personal use of this site as a customer of Agape Tile; however, you are not permitted to download (other than page caching) or modify the site or its contents, or any portion thereof, without the prior written consent of Agape Tile. This license includes any resale or commercial use of this site or commercial use of its contents, or any portion thereof; any collection and use of any product listings, descriptions, or prices; any derivative use of this site or its contents. This license does not include any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools. This site, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the prior written consent of Agape Tile. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of Agape Tile without Agape Tile’s prior written consent. You may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing Agape Tile’s name or trademarks without the prior written consent of Agape Tile. Any use of this site or its contents that is not expressly authorized herein is prohibited and immediately terminates the license granted herein by Agape Tile. You may not create any link to use any Agape Tile logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of the link without Agape Tile’s prior written permission.


If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. Agape Tile reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders in their sole discretion.


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