Abalone Brick Seashell Mosaic Vanity Top and Backsplash, 5′


SKU: AbaloneVanTopBack60 Categories: ,


Grade A seashell mosaic tabletop. Quality material and workmanship. Our shell is unrivaled in quality.

This lovely custom vanity top and backsplash features a custom profile edge. All exposed surfaces are clad in seashell. Wood base.

All pieces are available on a base of honeycomb aluminum with an available thickness of: 20mm – 3/4 inch, 25mm – 1 inch, 38mm – 1/5 inches.

Standard base is 20mm honeycomb aluminum.

Tops are also available on wood (metal bracing available) or fiberglass. Custom waterjet shapes are also available.

Please send us the dimensions, shape and thickness that you desire for an exact quote.

Patterns offered are Random, Brick, Squares, Diamond, Star, Weave or Custom.

Materials available: White, Black, Brown, Pink/Brown and Gold Mother of Pearl, Abalone, Brown Tab Pen Shell, Indian White and Gold Mother of Pearl, River Shell White and River Shell Natural.

For each top, each mosaic is placed by hand, adhered to the base and polished to perfection.

Standard eased edge. Other edge profiles are available.

All shell products from Agape Tile LLC are hand-crafted using an environmentally friendly process. Products are created from discarded shells originally harvested as a food source or from shell farms. These shells are indigenous to the area and are not among an endangered species.

Material: Genuine Abalone shell.

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